
Sina Labbaf, PhD

Researcher, Software Engineer, Data Scientist, Fitness Enthusiast

I am a Software Engineer at Google focusing on cloud platform infrastructure. I work with machine learning workload on high scale computation systems.

I also worked at Commure as Senior Software Engineer more specifically on Strongline Pro product. At Commure I was working on Geo-location algorithms and infrastructure for high available safety systems. During my time there I was able to develop distributed systems to achieve highly scalable processing of realtime IoT data alongside Algorithms for three dimensional location calculation.

I received my PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Irvine by building a service platform for health research. The services were set to provide a solution for health researchers to collect and analyse longitudinal data while utilizing artificial intelligence for analysis and intervention. My doctoral project was divided between designing a service orchestration for long term health studies and building a scalable infrastructure to host this service on. You can read more about it here.


Software Engineer

Google · Mountain View, CA
Oct 24 - Present
  • Working on cloud platforms infrastructure for high scale machine learning application

Senior Software Engineer

Commure · Mountain View, CA
Oct 23 - Oct 24
  • Led the performance and reliability of a Internet-of-Things hospital system for real-time asset tracking and nurse duress safety
  • Improved indoor location accuracy by more than $150%$ by incorporating Machine-learning, signal processing, and Kalman-Filter
  • Designed a robust and high-throughput safety infrastructure deployed in the largest hospital networks across the United States

Research Software Engineer

UC Irvine · Irvine, CA
Sep 17 - Sep 23
  • Lead, designed, and developed a cybernetics health service platform for remote healthcare monitoring and intervention
  • Serviced over 10 projects with more than 1500 participants in different fields: mental health, maternal well-being, elderly care, etc.
  • Achieve high performance in processing and storing high-frequent longitudinal healthcare data in micro-service server design
  • Improve participant engagement by developing a multi-platform dynamic mobile app for labeling and intervention
  • Design web dashboards that enabled health providers to create data pipelines and machine learning engines without programming
  • Supervised diverse teams of more than 30 undergraduate researchers, exchange students, and visitor scholars

Full-Stack Software Engineer Intern

Unity Technologies · San Francisco, CA
Jun 22 - Aug 22
  • Interned in Ads Mediation Features team at Unity Operate Organization
  • Designed the full-stack integration of customer history change log feature for Unity Mediation

Full-Stack Developer

Pegah Tech · Tehran, Iran
Sep 16 - Sep 17
  • Contributed to the launch of products in gaming BaaS and SaaS, mobile advertisements, Real-estate solutions, and online chat support
  • Demonstrated expertise in designing, developing, and testing web-application dashboards for a diverse range of internet services
  • Boosted user engagement by creating a light-weight interactive mobile ads SDK


UC Irvine · Irvine, CA
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

UC Irvine · Irvine, CA
Masters in Computer Science

University of Tehran · Tehran, Iran
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering


  • Valedictorian | Highest GPA | University of Tehran | 2017
  • Best Game Award | Game Development Contest | Iran | 2016
  • Top Five | ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest | Asia Regional | 2014
  • Third Place | National Science Fair | Iran | 2011


  • Programming Languages: Python, TypeScript, Java, Go, C, C++
  • ML Libraries: TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn
  • Database:
    • Non-Relational Databases: MongoDB
    • Relational Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL
    • Time Series Databases: InfluxDB
  • Server & API:
    • Python: FastAPI, Flask, Django, Celery
    • TypeScript: Node.js, Express, InversifyJS
  • Web & Mobile: React, React Native, Angular, Flutter, Component Libraries (MaterialUI, React Native Paper), Android Native
  • Infrastructure: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Helm, Terraform
  • Game Development: Unity, GameMaker Studio